Samstag, 24. Dezember 2011

WOW Priest Leveling Guide

For those of you that are experianced world of warcraft players, you understand just how valuable a priest is to a group. When it comes to healing abilities, no other class compares to a priest. Being a priest means that you will be staying clear of the fighting and focusing your efforts on keeping your group in top health to fight foes and defend you and other long range characters in your group.

WOW Priest Leveling & Quest Guide
Priest PVP Guide
Although the priest is the most powerful healer in world of warcraft, healing is just a small part of what the priest is capable of. Group play is what the priest is most adapted to. When a priest gets up to the higher levels they are very capable at soloing but early on it's best to play with a group. Don't let this discourage you from choosing to play a Priest though, it is a very powerful range damage character and is very respected by other classes. One last thing before we move on, when playing a Priest in PVP don't be surprised when you find the other team concentrating more on killing you than the rest of your group. Yet another reason the priest is exciting to play. Your abilities as a Priest are much needed by the rest of your group.

WOW Mage Leveling & Quest Guide
Mage PVP Guide
There used to be just seven races available to the priest class, draenei's,dwarves,human's or night elves (Alliance) blood elves,troll's or undead (Horde).

Now that we have the Cataclysm pack, you may play your priest as a gnome,tauren and both of the new goblin or worgen races.

Ok, enough chat lets get your wow priest up a few levels.

WOW Shaman Leveling & Quest Guide
Shaman PVP Guide
The Lesser Heal spell and long range damage Smite spell will be your primary offensive and defensive abilities to start, and once you are able to use the Power Word Fortitude this will be a big help. Fortitude will assist your group, so as of now you will want to have it on all the time until you get something better. Even though the priest is the premier healer in world of warcraft does not mean that they don't have to keep a close eye on their own health and especially their mana,your group is relying on you to keep them healed and if you die so may they. Obviously the priest is not a hand to hand kinda class so maintain your position towards the back of the group, you are most effective when your can stay focused on your range spells. The farther you are from your enemies the better, let the hand to hand characters fight up close.

Once you reach level 4 you can use the debuff Shadow Word Pain, you will find this very helpful on your early levels. This should be your primary spell for a while but you may want to go back to Fortitude occasionally. Restart Shadow Word Pain when you need to as it will wear off after a while, in the mean time keep using Smite for some mob control.

World of Warcraft Strategy Guide
The very effective defensive buff Power Word Shield can be used once you get to level 6, it's a shielding buff just as it sounds. Using this buff is essential to the somewhat defenseless priest, even though you will have others defending you in a group this buff is a nice plus. Also at level 6 you will want to visit a trainer to get your first substantial quest, take it and complete it as soon as you can.

World of Warcraft Leveling Guide
Leveling to level 8 will let you use the HOT spell known as Renew and also Fade.The Renew spell is your first HOT (Heal Over Time) type spell that you will get, this works great for you and your group so use it regularly. Fade is used to distract your enemies from you by controling your aggro.

At level 10 things really get fun for your WOW priest with the introduction of Mind Blast. Using Mind Blast will greatly increase your damage dealing without using up all your mana. You now have the Resurrection spell which will let you resurrect your fellow players. Once your WOW priest gets up to level 10 you will get a talent point which you can use on one of your talent tree's, so put some thought to what kind of WOW Priest you would like to become.

WOW Dungeon Maps Guide
You will finally get a good defensive buff called Inner Fire when you reach level 12, use it to protect against enemy attacks.

Well, there you have it. This will get you off to a good start and by this time you should have a good feel on how to play a priest in WOW, think ahead a bit and you will do very well. You may want to get a complete guide for playing you WOW priest to make the higher levels much easier.

Game On!

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